Thursday, December 31, 2009
Man, this year has gone by so fast! Maybe it was because i was super bust during the first half of 09 with senior projects, getting into uni and then i was swamped by actual uni in the latter half. Needless to say, these two weeks were a welcome break you could not imagine.
Dad wants to have dinner at 6pm today (very early... usually we don't eat until like 9pm) so that means i have to make my share of the dishes at 5:30 at least. This year, I'm just making rice, soup and a bunch of appetizers. Nowadays, my appetite's gotten much smaller, so i dare say I'll be finished eating by 6:30 - but since it's my last meal in 09, I'll try to stretch it to 45 minutes.
I'd set out to finished editing all my existing poems by tonight, so i should get back to it. Also, i really want to write out that scene I've been meaning to for BIOI (which stands for the tentative title for my novel---but for sake of security, i won't put it online. I've heard some horror stories about people's ideas and writings getting stolen because they posted them online without copyrighting it beforehand)
I know that there will be two male leads and I've named the first one Drake. But i don't know what to name the second lead. He's the silent, studious type with a witty side that shows up occasionally. Any ideas?
---Continuing with my New Years Resolutions:
-adapt to a regular sleep cycle (sleep and wake up at the same time everyday)
-Stop going to Shoppers every time i come back from school!
-save up at least $100 every month!
-stop staring at the Hermes window display on Bloor. Same goes for Burberry, Gucci. Sigh, thank God Prada and LV are on the other side of the street
-Get my voice back in shape. I haven't sang in so long--it's feeling very rusty
-Add tags for all blog posts!! Seriously, i keep forgetting!
!!!! It's 5:12 already!
Gotta go, have a happy new year everyone!!!!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Was super super impressed with the graphics. But the story and characters felt recycled from every other hero-central story ever told. Some underdog that no one really cared about suddenly managed to become the greatest of all and through a series of events, saves the world!
This movie wasn't a thinking one but a fun one. All you really have to do is sit back and enjoy.
Anyway, it is the 30th of Dec, so i thought it was time to start on my New Years Resolution list:
-Talk less during movies (though i only do this in theaters for some reason)
-Before the next Reading week, only 2 coffees per week
-Eat more veggies and less fast food (salad rather than burger)
-Stick to study plans-MUST NOT PROCRASTINATE!
-hand in work on time!
-no soompi/drama till work and readings are done!
-no food three hours prior to bed
-write ten pages (font 12) of story every month (except April? depends on exams)
-write at lesat 3 new poems every month
-either: get job/internship/study abroad this summer
-send out novel to publishers by end of August 2010
I'll finish the list tomorrow.
Here's my plan with regards to creative writing for 2010:
-edit all passable poems by Dec 31, 2009
-send them out to all journals with email by end of Jan 2010
-have first draft of novel done by end of May 2010
-have third draft done by June 2010
-have an adult edit it by end of July 2010
-write at least 5 poems from start to middle of July 2010
-send out above 5 poems to journals by end of July 2010
-compile poetry chapbook by end of August
Sigh---that's a lot of promises i'm trying to keep. MUST DO EVERYTHING I CAN TO KEEP THEM!!!
Anyway, i should get on with those poems then.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Elated but tired...
I met up with a friend i haven't seen for months and we went out for a movie and shopping. We saw "It's Complicated" which starrs Meryl Streep (Okay, in fact, she's the reason we chose the film in the first place) and it was so-so. It's a feel good kind of movie since it's about two divorcees wondering if they still have feelings for each other while external issues complicate the matter.
I'm the kind of the girl who doesn't go to the movies as much as others. i go to the cinemas 4-5 times a year MAX. This year's an exception, since The Road, and Harry Potter 6 were supposed to show last year. So I'll have seen 7 movies before Jan 1, 2010.
-The Ugly Truth
-The Proposal
-G.I. Joes
-The Road
-It's Complicated
-Ninja Assassin
This year is also strange, because G.I. Joes and Ninja Assassin are as far away from my genre of choice as possible. The only reason i watched the former was because of the smoldering Lee ByungHun and the latter because of Rain.
So if you minus those, i will have seen 5 movies.
The ones I've bolded are chick-flicks, meaning I was probably not the one who recommended seeing them. In my opinion, chick flicks can be enjoyed at home just as much as at the theater, for for a fraction of the cost. Movies like HP, and The Road, you need the huge screen and surround sound system to complete that movie experience.
Anyway, I vow to never spend money on chick-flicks movie tickets again.
I mean, if i minus the chick-flicks, i will have seen 4 movies. By the way, i cannot sacrifice G.I.Joes or Ninja Assassin because watching their movies is the only way i can support my fave. artists, since i don't buy any of their merchandise. Years ago, i was going to to go Rain's concert, i paid 250$ and all. But in the end, the venue was not adequately prepared by the sponsor so it got cancelled. I remember being upset about that for days, since it was a rare chance that Rain came to Canada.
Anyway--i spent $180 yesterday, including movie tickets, food and shopping. I must say, this is a grande amount for one trip. Rich, shopaholics may laugh at this "measely" amount, since they spurge $500 everytime, but i am very pleased with my purchases.
-$12-Movie ---i paid w/ gift card, thus not in the 180)
-$25-leggings from Jacob (i've them forever---the price isn't the best, but it's cheapper than a lot of places i've tried. And besides, miraculously, i canfit into an XS, so that made me feel good)
-$28-turquiose shirt dress from fcuk. (Carrie says she doesn't like it, but i disagree. It's not bad, and it got marked down to25$ from the original price of 109$!!! Besides, i really need dresses. Having been a sort of tomyboy for most of my teenage life, I have like zero dresses. And since there are tons of events at uni-i have nothing to wear!)
-$25-La Senza (my best buy! It feels indecent to talk about undergarments on a blog so i'll refrain. But !!!!!!!!!!! 10 for 30 bucks! And i had a 5$ off coupon.)
-$22-Jeans from Jacob C. (According to Carrie, jeans are supposed to be tight tight even if they're not skinny jeans. I don't know, tight clothes make me feel suffocated sometimes. But these look good, which never happens on a frist try for me. It takes me at least 5 different pairs to find the right wash and fit, so this is incredible. And cheap too!)
-$75-Leather wedge boots. (Finally! I have been looking around since practically the fall for boots. My dad has very specific requirements, so it's really impossible to find such a pair. This one doesn't fit all the critirias, and Dad expressed that when he saw it, but it's the best i can do. Also, it makes me taller AND it was 50% off! It was 130$ originally)
I don't think i missed anything--but yeah, that's what i got yesterday. I'm a very very picky shopper and i never get something without going to other stores to shop for a better deal. In my opinion, clothes often never fit me the way they're suppose to. For example, i tried on at least 10 different dresses, but only found one satisfactory. There was 3 others taht looked good, but were 100$ each-meaning they weren't really reduced prices. And the rest, some too clingy, long, thin, you mean it. I feel really exposed in clothes that are both thin and drappy--so that rules a lot of things out.
So here's what my list of outings for the rest of the holiday:
-Dec 30---lunch with friend (10?)
-Dec 30---movie and dinner with other friends (12? +20 at the most)
-Jan 2 ---Lunch and movie marathon (dvds) (15$)
-Chapters (not sure when this will happen, but it must--i still haven't gone!) ($5 for coffee)
The grand total comes to a whopping $62!! This plus the 200 i already spent =262!
Sigh, there goes my "going to save up for mic" plan. I mean, i still have money, but it's so depressing qatching that account balance drop like a waterfall.
I should really get a job this summer. For real--i must get one! Or at least some kind of internship so i gain some experience!
Must get back to life now,
PS. If i feel up to it, i'll take pics of the stuff I bought later.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Also, I thought it was really cute.
Anyway--so my stomach pain is completely over and done with, meaning I no longer have a good excuse to lounge in bed after the morning hours. Thus, I've decided to be proactive and actually work on my TO-DO LIST for this holiday.
I am planning to read (and finish reading) John Locke's Second Treatise of Government and John Cameron Mitchell's Hedwig and the Angry Inch.
...Is it just me, or is Harry Potter everywhere today? I mean, HEDWIG! Sigh, i loved her. I remember wanting a white snowy owl so badly in my more manic days of Harry Potter fandom.
So yeah, I shall read these two (actually thin) books and hopefully watch Will It Snow For Christmas (WISFC) Ep.8 with English subs.
If you're reading this blog, it's probably because of either:
1. I bullied you into doing it OR 2. You accidentally stumbled across it and decided to see whether a 18 year old girl's life is really that mundane.
Therefore, chances are, you have NO IDEA what WISFC is all about. WISFC is a Korean melodrama that started airing this December. A melodrama=romance+lots and lots of angst. Now i used to be an avid watcher of all Korean dramas, but the plots has been pretty dismal of late--so i got bored. Hence, it's really lucky that i checked out
It's a blog/site that focuses on exploring K-dramas. Dramabean OR Sarah has a great, witty writing style that i really enjoy reading. She writes a lot of drama recaps that summarizes and analyzes individual drama episodes (I initially checked out her site because she did an recap of Hero, which Lee Junki starrs in). Anyway, i refreshed the site and saw WISFC.
Now, the name didn't really seem all that interesting, but it caught my eye because it wasn't the usual kind of name K-dramas have (it's missing the word Love, first of all). So i read her recap of the first two episodes. And man oh man, it is good. I've come to realize that sometimes her recaps are better than watching the dramas themselves! But this isn't one of those cases. So i instantly went onto Mysoju and watched those two episodes. And they were amazing.
I don't know what it is about child actors--but they this innocence/ honesty that adult actors often lack. I always find that the latter's performances aren't as real or believable as the kid actors.
Anyway, for those of you that are interested, head over to dramabean's site and read about WISFC yourself! You won't regret it.
Now, the main story of WISFC is that of KJ and JW (I'll be using initals to save time). KJ is a gr.11 boy that just transferred high school and JW is a gr. 9 girl that's constantly causing mayhem unintentionally. Let me just say, the kid actor that portrays KJ is fantastic! He has this quiet, smoldering kind of charisma that gets under your skin. A rare case in K-dramas, the adult KJ is even better--acted by the immortal (imho) Go Soo (or is that Ko Soo?).
Go Soo came back from his mandatory military training about 2 years ago and he's better than ever. This guy used to have this gentle, cute kind of vibe---but now at age 30, he's suddenly become this manly hunk with the most amazing eyes.
THE EYES. I swear i am not exaggerating. If any eyes can penetrate to the depths of my soul, they are Go Soo's. Sigh---let me stop my fan-girling here.
The point is WISFC is worth a watch for the child actors, Go Soo and the storyline. It started off really great, but recently, the angst's got tuned up real high--so i hope it doesn't get overtly weepy and drags on.
It's 4:30pm and i haven't had anything to eat for the whole day. So i shall go grab myself some dinner and finally crack down on those books.
Happy Christmas everyone!
PS. This post is REALLY disjointed, i know. I kept trying not to drool over WISFC, so that's why i break myself off so many times.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
On Christmas Eve (to be)
God, i am so lame.
Anyway-woke up half past 2pm due to me mysterious sickness. Just checked my email and stuff. All these shops are sending me coupons and SALES! flyers. I am intrigued--but the whole idea of rushing to a mall at 7am on Boxing Day to battle it out for some jeans with a mob of people isn't really my thing. For one, I've never really been Boxing Day shopping---i went once, during the afternoon. But by then , all the "good" stuff was gone and it was a waste of time. Also, i feel like when there's a huge sale, i tend to buy things i don't need-as in i convince myself I'll need it eventually. Thus, a waste of money.
Anyway, am going to meet up with a friend to go see a movie on the 27th. Will probably get a meal and casually shop around (since we're going to a mall) but I'm not frenzied into buying anything in particular.
I'm a girl, so obviously i like to shop---but so few things catch my eye now days that I'm never fully satisfied with a purchase. Maybe I'm just too picky---that's why i tend to buy quality over quantity.
I have friends that buy like five pairs of jeans every year at Bluenotes or whatever the store's called. That's like 5 x 25 bucks = 125 plus tax. And i say every year because those jeans don't last. After a Canadian winter of snow and salt, you can say goodbye to those jeans. I prefer getting jeans at like $40 a piece and have it last at least three years. And often times, Guess jeans are on sale for just that much (regular price 90$). Even if i get them at regular price, it's a worthwhile investment.
But this is just my opinion. Some people enjoy having to shop all the time. I just don't have the time.
Hmm, this reminds me. Should do some online research before i hit the shops--.
Anyway, Merry Christmas everyone!
PS. Was going to go to Chapters--but woke up too late. Sigh, must stop being so lazy!
PPS. I just need to spazz a bit: GO SOO!! Those eyes---oh god--I can't stand the heat.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
But the past three days, I've been nursing an awful stomach ache. It's a strnge kind of pain--and there is absolutely no comfortable position!
Sigh, trying to sleep was impossible, let me tell you that.
Anyway-now that i am out of bed and moving again, I've realized the beauty of real food. I've been living on a diet of chips, fruit and green tea because everything else made me want to puke.
But i had roast pork with string beans and rice for dinner today and it was TRES satisfying.
Anyway, I shall be feasting tomorrow night. It's Christmas Eve!! This year's gone past me so fast, I have to make another list of New Year's Revolutions.
Stay warm,
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Sideline Talk...
It's a lot of work. And the strange thing is, I'm not even bothered about the readings---I've done all of them. It's all the writing that has been bent.
Currently, i have 6 papers to write and 2 midterms... That's write... 20pages of things to spew out within 2 weeks... Plus 10 chapters of notes, review questions to get through.
Is this how it's going to be for the next four years? minus the holidays?
I'd better get back to studying... The Internet isn't helping me concentrate at all...
Hope till the end!
Saturday, September 12, 2009

Thursday, September 3, 2009
Back to One...
I was going to enjoy some more friends episodes but i ended up chatting with my friend for hours. Due to a recent development, the conversation was mostly depressing and frustrating. But as the person in charge of sympathy and comfort-I can't really knock her on the head and say "Get over it!".
No, because that is mean and insensitive.
Which brings me to this:
PARENTS- why must you force your own beliefs upon your children. I realize that many parents think that their kids should automatically practice the same beliefs. But let's be honest here. This is the 21st century. And everyone has their own rights. Parents could have, if they want, a certain amount of influence over their child's live but they should not dictate every single thing. For example-this whole: You must marry a person of the same religion and nationality as you! Seriously! How is the kid suppose to control who they like. It is completely unfair to control someone like that!
Those rules and old-fashioned, and in my opinion, not practical.
Because what is wrong with an Indian person being together with, say a French person? Nothing! But those kinds of parents will say that is not how they were taught when they were young.
Well, all I can say is: TOO BAD!
It just so happens that during your youth, you did not have this freedom because you didn't fight for it! But if you did, you might have ended up differently. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with going out with whomever you like. (Well, unless he/she is a convict or someone who kills animals and babies---but that is usually not the case.)
Yeah---so I'm all riled up about this.
This kind of belief is almost like going back to the middle ages... or the 16th century!
When people could only marry people of the same ranking. How wrong is that!
All i can say is: FIGHT FOR YOUR FREEDOM!
OK--it's 8:14pm already and i still have to organize all my books...and seriously clean my room...then i gotta wash off that old layer of nail polish and repaint my nails...
You may have noticed...[WILL EDIT!]
Yes, as today is basically my last day of freedom (tomorrow being the first day of Frosh Week), I decided to spend an hour watch Friends.
Friends, the best way to pass a lazy Thursday.
Anyway-i got to the episode where Monica and Rachel play a game against Chandler and Joey to win her apartment. There were many categories to the questionnaire type game and the last one is called:
(You guessed it!) IT'S ALL RELATIVE
It has the most random questions but all are very interesting. Which made me think--that's what i want my blog to be like! So yeah, i renamed my cyber-home.
I hope you like change---i for one think it's kind of neat. Haha...
Many upsetting things happened today. But i don't want to bum myself out---so I'm writing to forget all my troubles! And what better way to do that than to post those pics i said i was going to?!
OK-so here we go:
#1) "Publish or Perish" Black
Though it may not look it, but this is a very old journal. I think it bought it from Chapters back in... 2003. But the thing is, i liked it so much and didn't want to write rubbish in it that till this day, it's still empty.
#2) Black Leather Journal
This was given to me by a friend back in my tender years: grade 9--i think. I remember carrying it around everywhere. I really really liked it because it was so light. This one has a lot of quotations from "Romeo and Juliet", which was crazy about. Not anymore though-because if you think about it, they were both only like 14 years old. No offense, but what do 14 year olds know about love, or what kind of love is worth dying for?
My mom bought me this when she visited me back a few years ago. It's really nice because the pages are bigger so it lasted longer. This one is filled mostly with lyrics i came up with. And random story plots.
#) Soft Red Buckle-type Leather Journal
I got this on my own and i lovvvve it. It's me current one, but i only have about 12 pages left. I just love touching it. SO SOFT!!!
SIGH---i'm sorry guys...
But i'm not too tired to finish doing this. Blogger's picture upload program REALLY sucks. It takes forever to just format one picture and i've got at least 6 more to go...
But worry not--- i will do all of it... one day.
Off to read Soompi now...
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
The Return of the Journal...
I have to shower and get dressed to return my cardio thingy. And I've got to meet my friend and then we're going to attend this writing session at UofT.
So by the time I get back---it'll be like 8:15pm at least.
But i promise to add those photos once i come back!
The Price Is Never Right...
On this glorious Wednesday morning, I am currently watching the equally glorious Ryan Phillippe with his ultra sexy voice being interviewed by the also equally beautiful Nicole Kidman Let me just tell you, it does not get better than this.
I bet you didn't think it was possible to use "equally" this many times in one single sentence, did ya?
I remember when i frist happened upon Ryan on TV a few months ago. They were showing Cruel Intentions. It was at the scene with the pool scene where Ryan was in this remote controlled wheelchair and so at first, I thought he was disabled. Maybe it was the strange pool reflections or light or something - but i didn't find him that attractive at first glance. The only reasoned i stayed on that channel was Reese Witherspoon. But an hour and some minutes later, i find that I've sat through the entire movie!
And by Merlin! What a movie!
In the end, I thought Ryan's character (Seb) was the most interesting and that he portrayed it incredibly well. Sarah M. Geller is amazing too (Merlin knows how much i adore Buffy!) but her character was just too evil for my liking, and a bit too one dimensional. Her character didn't really show any development-so the performance felt a little flat. And Reese, I think she played it up a little too much. She was too vulnerable and weak. [SPOILER WARNING] When Seb broke up with her character (Annette), i expected her to fight back, not to just cry and be all girly. I mean, she was suppose to be the mature one, and a feminist!
But I guess I can understand. It IS Ryan Phillippe!
I've always wondered, isn't it strange to act with your spouse? Reese was pregnant with Ryan's child at the time and there they were, in a movie where the guy was suppose to have slept with the the girl just to win a bet! But they're all professionals-they get that it's all just acting. But still! It must have been awkward at times!
Anyway-i went on Youtube to watch the first half of the movie. I have to say-the first time Ryan cracked a smirk at the end of the first scene, where's he went to see his psych. appointment-i was GONE. And i thought. Oh Merlin, this man is beautiful!
So yeah, that is how my love for Ryan came about.
I woke up earlier today-at around 8:30am because the stickers were so uncomfortable! They were really hard and so my skin felt all weird. It still does. But there's only 3 hours left to go. No big deal.
I also woke up because Dad was like "It's 8am! Are you going to waste the day away again?!" in a tone that i didn't apprecieate. But at least he's speaking to me again. After i had breakfast, he came into my room and was like "You realize what you did was wrong, right?"
I was tired of fighting, so i just gave in and was like "OK, i get it." And that was the end of the affair. Thankfully!
As per my usual routine, i checked Portal and found that my PHL-Human Nature prof sent me the course material and everything. And Merlin! I can't even begin to tell you. Here's a bit of it:
● Exam 1, 20%
● Exam 2, 30%
● Paper 1, 10% (paper 7%; review 3%)
● Paper 2, 15% (paper 12%; review 3%)
● Paper 3, 25% (22% paper; 3% review)
● In paper 1 (300 words) you will recount an argument from an assigned reading. In paper 2 (500 words) you will recount an argument from an assigned reading and then critically assess one aspect of that argument. In paper 3 (900 words) you will propose and critically assess a connection between a philosopher’s argument and a scientist’s experiment. For each assignment, after it has been graded, you will meet with the grader to discuss your writing. You then will write a one paragraph “review” that summarizes what you learned from the grader’s comments/discussion.
Are you seeing what i am seeing?!
That's right, NO PRESSURE at all! YUP!
But i suppose that's the way university is. No wonder people say it's above and beyond what is required of you back in high school.
But I have faith---at least it isn't one of those 20 page papers.
Apparently, the first paper is due on Sept 28 (Right after my B-day! I'd better get this fully edited and done before that week-end.) Which isn't so bad. I was going to start the assignment early, but i realized that i have no idea what the paper is on, so i'll have to wait.
Also, my SCI199H1 Seminar course prof ALSO posted an assignment:
The aim of this exercise is for us to start thinking about our musical experience and writing about it. My aim is to learn something about the people in our seminar, what your interests are and how you express yourselves. Later we will get serious about more systematic and serious writing. Describe your experience of a musical event from the past summer, or during the past year. It could be a rock, or jazz, or classical concert. It could be a broadcast. It could be a street busker you spent a while listening to. It could be a public or private performance by yourself, alone or with others. It should be an event that, for some reason, was memorable for you.
Focus primarily, beyond the basic facts, on your perceptions and feelings, as you recall them.
Due: 23 September, in seminar meeting.
Grading criteria: Organization, clarity, grammar and spelling (!).
Weighting: 5% of overall grade.
Uh-huh. Another paper due. But this one sounds like it's right up my alley. I mean, i absolutely LOVE writing about music and the way i enjoy/see it. Most of the time, I want to have proper conversations with people about music, but no one cares. And also, i don't know a lot of people who are into the kind of music i like, even though i like a scattering of everything. So this is perfect!
Right now, i'm thinking i should just write it on that Joshua Bell concert i was at back in June. It was certainly an experience! This, i know i can start right away. I'm going to dig up those notes i took at the concert and begin planning the whole thing.
By the way, why is it that my taste in music is so vastly different than my peers? For example, near grad, i remember my friends were all over this song: Poker Face. At first, i was really surprised, because Poker Face is the name of my fave. Asian female singer Ayumi Hamasaki's debut song. Alas, i was obviously wrong. This one is new, and by someone called Lady GaGa.
From my limited knowledge, when someone says "Gaga", it generally means "crazy", doesn't it? Like if i wanted to say i am crazy over Ryan Phillippe, i could say "I am just Gagas over Ryan!" Am I right?
So if I am right in believing that, then Lady Gaga simply means: Lady Crazy?
I'm sorry, what kind of name is that!? But i won't attack her name. To each her own! (This last bit is an inside joke between my friend Carrie and I. Haha---obviously, it is only funny to the two of us.)
Anyway-so i never actively went online to search for the song or anything. I mean, I haven't even heard Beyonce's new album! And i like Beyonce-relatively speaking.
So out of nowhere, while i was in the car on the way back home from the cardio place-I was treated to Poker Face. (Which in itself was a strange thing. The radio in the car is usually on 96.3 Classical. Maybe Dad got tired of listening to Carmen.)
And wow.
I do not get why people are "GAGA" over this song.
To me, it sounds like any other song! And the "Po-po-po-po-po...POKER FACE" thing gets really annoying after a while. Maybe i'm just not "in style" with the latest hits, but in my opinion, there are plenty of other great songs that are worth loving!
Here's a very short list---I've got my ipod on shuffle and I'm just writing out a few of my favoriates. (Though i've got 500+ songs in my itunes library that has a 5 star rating, so you might not think that's saying a lot. But my database has 40GB+ of music! I'm telling you, i am a certified music freak!)
These are in no order whatsoever!
Romance ------------Yukki Kuramoto ------------ A Bittersweet Life
--->This is a classical piece. Violin with piano accompanyment. Beautiful and heart-wrenching. From the wonderful Korean movie with Lee Byung Hun (LOVE LOVE LOVE him): A Bitterweet Life. For all of you that haven't seen it, go Youtube it now! It's got everything! Superb fight sequence, romance, a mafia-type gang that's threatening to kill the main guy and an AMAZING cast. (Shim Min Ah's in this too! Also love her! Rain fans will recognize her from: A Love to Kill, which is of course, also incredible.)
Fox Rain ----------------------DBSK -------------------Rising Sun Concert Rip
--->A true gem. Five fantastic voices-sometimes melted into one. A soft ballad with a tiny hint of jazzzz-composed by Yoochun. A must listen!
Mission Impossible Theme -------Sungha Jung ----------Guitar Protege
--->People probably already this one. Sungha is a Youtbe celeb! This 11 (or is it 12?) years old boy genius can play like no other! Check out his numerous other clips!
Whatever -------------------Ayumi Hamasaki ----------LOVEppears
--->Let me confess that at first, i HATED this song. So much that I didn't even sit through the first quater of the song. I'm not a fan of techno. And this song (though depends on which version you listen to. It's like about 10 different remixes.) begins with the telling sounds of hurried drumbeats that i generally associate with techno. But wait. A few years ago, i made myself listen through all her albums (which isn't a small feat. I have 400+ songs of hers in my library), every single song, from start to end. And surprise! Once the singing began, it got me all hyped up and i ended up loving this song. And that's not all, the ylrics are amazing too! Ayumi is known for writing all of her lyrics: (and composing from time to time as well! Under the name: CREA)
How much thought is necessary
And how should I write
To send my feelings to you?
Perhaps no one knows
But please tell that person
"Here is the power of believing firmly"
It has been a long while,
I was freezing so much and closed my eyes
No one noticed us, but the season
I was looking forward to is passing
Now I do here what I should do
And will smile if I become calm
Please tell that person
"Far or near, I'm always next to you"
It has been a long while, I can be bathed in the warm sunlight in a short time
I was actually enduring so much, so as not to yield to myself
It has been a long while, I can be bathed in the warm sunlight in a short time
If I say I wasn't lonely during the time we spent apart, it is a lie
It has been a long while, I can be bathed in the warm sunlight very soon
I was actually enduring so much, so as not to yield to myself
It has been a long while I can be bathed in the warm sunlight very soon
As I think it was not only I who wished to be together
(btw---these lyrics are translate from Japanese... So some of the original meaning prob wasn;t transfered... also here's where i got the translation-very helpful site if you want to read more about Ayumi:
Billie Jean ----------------Michael Jackson ------------Number Ones
--->Ah, no playlist is ever complete with this song, according to me anyway. I don't think i need to elaborate how amazing this song is. But to fully apprecieate Jckson in all his glory, i suggest you watch a live performance of this song. I myself is a fan of the 30th Anniversary Concert edition, because it just shows taht he's still got it. WHOO!
Grown-Up's Christmas List ------Michael Buble ---------Let It Snow
--->I lost interest in Buble after his hit: Home. The guy's got a great voice but most of his songs song kind of the same. But this song is a must have during the winter holidays. It's so soothing! And it's got an important message. A beautiful beautiful song.
Masterpiece Theater Pt. 1 --------Mariana Trench --------Masterpiece Theater
--->My friend Robin introduced it to me a while ago. She's a fellow music freak, like me. I found this song on while browsing her ipod. It's kind of like an acapella mixed in with rock and ballad-inspired pop. The bridge section (and also the beginning) are my fave. parts.
Whoa! I've got 7 songs down already. I think I'll stop for today. This post has already gone beyond my usual post length and i still have to write my FAVE ITEM. But I'll have more songs next time!
OK- so today's FAVE ITEM is:
-writing journals
Nice, maybe hand crafted, but definitely quality writing journals. I bring a plain lined notebook to school in case i want to jot things down while I'm getting a hot dog or something. This happens quite frequently, Merlin knows what hunger can do to your brain. And also, hunger feels uncannily like yearn for a long lost love.
Haha, just kidding-this is only true to some extent.
Though it is true that i can not live without my writing journal. There's just something about writing in a nice journal that... i don't know... juices my creativity. Having to write in it makes me go "I can't waste a single line in this book-i paid 30$ for it!" Therefore, I always do a few drafts on regular paper and then transfer something that's been edited onto the journal.
Well, at least that's what i try to do. But honestly, since I'm a student (meaning tons of homework and things to study for) and i commute (so that's 2 hours out of my time, at least!) so i don't really have all that much free time. So nowadays, i just write it without much thought. But this summer's been good... so I've got a few pages of not so bad writing squeezed in.
Clearly, this post has go on long enough-so I'll say Adios for now. Now I'll be back with actual pictures of my journals, just to prove how serious about this whole writing thing.
And besides, it's lunch time!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Matters of the Heart...
(By the way, i just have to mention this bit-because i think it shows so much of my "character". Yesterday, i was going through all the different settings on this blog and there was one that said advanced posting option. I thought it sounded great--and so i clicked. And it is! It has all these features like strike-through, and resetting the width of the post and everything. But it was lacking in one feature: SPELLCHECK! I tell you, i can not live without spellcheck. I know this is tragic, since I'm going to be an English student-but honestly! I tend to get hyper when i write---meaning I'll type very fast-meaning there'll be a gazillion mistakes. Spellcheck enables me not to spend a hour proofreading a blog post. It's my live saver! Anyway--the moral of the story is that i switched back to the old posting option. So hopefully, this post and every single one on this blog will be spell-error free!)
Anyway-I got there at 4pm and was led into a small room by this very curvy lady. I know she's curvy not because I'm a pervert or that I play for the other side or that i simply know to acknowledge the beauty of a woman's body-but that she was dressed in a very low cut sundress in a vintage flower pattern with a humongous bow tie that went around her tiny waist. I am completely serious. Is it just me or is this a slightly uncommon attire for members of medical institutions while they are at work? Don't medical practitioners usually wear white lab coats?
I am just saying-I felt a little under dressed in my graphic tee and pants.
So there i am, standing with my bag on a stool beside me. Then she went, "Please take off your shirt."
Having done this many times-I wasn't shocked by this or anything. But I felt so self-conscious, I'd think anyone would if they just stood in their underwear in front a fully dressed person (those i quite like mine. I got it on sale from La Senza. It's like a very nude pink but it's got lace all around and a pair of little bells in the middle.) Besides, i think her waist was at least 22inches or something. Because it looked smaller than mine and the skinniest part of my waist is 24inches. Maybe the bow is really tight or something. But still! My waist was always my favorite part of my body. Mostly, fat goes on my thighs. I mean, i can wear a size 0 skirt but my jeans are always either size 2 or 4, depending on the store.
Anyway-so she rubbed this sticky clear gel on where she's going to attach the wires and then stuck like 5 rubber stickers on my chest. Then she plugged the wired into the stickers and connected the other ends of the wires to a machine. And that was it. Well, then she had to put the machine in a waist bag which went around my waist. God she tied it so tight i swear my waist was probably 22 inches at that point too. Anyway-I retied it once i got home so i could actually breathe. But that was the end of the whole thing.
When I got home, i checked ROSI again and was pleseantly surprised. I was on the waiting list for Human Nature (hmm... maybe i should change this blog name to Human Nature?) but I've moved up enough that I've been given a spot! The only sad thing is, I used to have no classes on Mondays-but now I do. But that's the price i'll have to pay. I really wanted to take that course.
It's 5:29pm and i still haven't had lunch. Merlin, I'm starving! But there's nothing to eat in the house... I had waffles with ice cream this morning. I'm kinda tired of sweets. I need something meaty-like BBQ ribs or something. Merlinnnn--i'm so hungry! I'll have to raid the fridge once i'm doing posting this.
Oh--here's today's FAVE ITEM:
-quality earphones.
I usually prefer BOSE-but really as long as they're superb quality, i don't mind. A lot of people think deep bass is good-but that's only when you're at a club or dance. Bass drowns out all the finer details of music! I myself LOVE the ones that elimenates outside sound. They are fantastic. When i listen to music, I want to enjoy all of it. Having quality earphones means you getting closer to the real thing: live performance. Also, bass kills your eardrums! I've still got a good 3/4 of life to live-so I want my ears to last.
I know he's not an itme. But he was and i had the funds, i would buy him. I love love love this man. In fact, I'm going to see him again this Sept! I am so psyched for this! (Also, i'd also like to buy Rain, Jaejoong and Ayu. Oh, and Tom Felton.)
Ok-my stomach is practically eating itself up. i have to go hunt for rations now.
Until my tummy is full,
Monday, August 31, 2009
As Promised...
Today's been a hell of a day. Without going into too much detail-let's just say that it is common for 17 year olds to argue with their parents, but that in my case-my side with completely and utterly justified. Some people are just too stubborn and/or too prideful to admit they were wrong. Therefore, this nasty atmosphere usually lasts for around 10 hours-unless something worse happenes or the adult pretneds to be forgiving says "You know it was you fault. Don't do it again." or something to that effect.
Let me just add that I can not wait for total independece to fall upon me. Sure, it's s harsh world out there. But Merlin, I am sick of fighting all the time!
Anyway---I was hugry and both parties were too mad to cook anything so i snacked on ice cream. It was very fulfilling and it made me cold. Perhaps I should think about making those waffles?
Onto another matter, here is the section with the "quote" thing i mentioned in the last post. This is exactly as it originally appears:
Use the same font and size for all text, including quotes.
In North American "usage," commas and period go inside the closing "quote mark"; semi-colons and colons go outside the closing "quote mark." If your sentence ends with a parenthetical citation, the period goes after the "citation" (45).
Titles of works published on their own, such as Ariel, should appear underlined or in italics; works published as part of larger works, for example "Daddy" in Ariel, appear in quote marks.
OK, am I wrong for pointing these out? I'm not trying to slash a prof or anything---but i will be learning Lit from the man, i should be familiar with his style. Perhaps he doesn't particularly care if i use "quote" or "quotation". But "quote" is a verb!
All in all, this is very confusing...
This afternoon, I went to Walmart and got some cleaning supplies. When i got home, i spent a good hour cleaning the bathroom. You would not believe the soap scales that i had to scrube off! And also the toilet bowl. It's probably indecent to write about these things online-but the dirt and rust in that thing are so stubborn! At least i bought one of those "Cleans while you flush" tablets. Hopefully, that'll keep the thing clean.
What else is there?
Oh yes! On the way back from Walmart-I had an idea.
From now on, everytime i make a new post, i shall list one of my favoriate things. Not super pricy couture or some other monstrosity-but everyday items. So here's today's
I REALLY love that stuff. I got two cans of it today and I plan on spraying it all over the house. I love it!
There's just something so nice about writing down everything you have to do. It makes planning so easy-and you rarely make mistakes! Time-conflict wise. My agenda is olive green and tough leather. It's got everything in it: contacts, useful websites, random but important info, To-Do and To-Buy lists, appointments, etc. Seriously, if I lost that i'm doomed.
A week ago, I got one for 2010. It's just black with an elastic band that holds it closed. What i really love about it is taht it's got one whole page for everyday (divided into hours). It's ideal for uni---I can actually write down when all my classes are and there's still plenty of room left to jot down homework and such.
Merlin, I just realized something! Ugh, now this is seriously pissing me off! I'd better offline before I start spazzing in rage.
So until next time!!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Breaking Bread
Well, to other people, starting a blog might not seem like such a big deal, but Oh, God-let me just quickly try to remember how many abandoned blogs I have up to now.
Hmm...Four or five, I think.
Exactly! Creating a blog doesn't require much-just Internet, the ability to type and a funky, if not completely random (and also often lame) name. But it's the "keep blogging" part that intimidates me. It's such a commitment to come back regularly and update. Hell, it's hard to remember to come back and post something. And now that I'm starting university in practically 8 days---the odds of this happening are even worse.
But anyway-I'm going to put my faith to the test. I shall think of this as an experiment.
"How Long I Can Keep This Up"
Or HLICKTU, if you prefer the short form. Although I can't say much about the fact that the word "lick" is spelt in this challenge name's abbreviation.
The reason i started NATURE'S DOING (I'm sorry, I really just couldn't come up with anything. I was going to name is Dash of Brilliance, but i thought that sounded to pompous.) is because my good friend, a fellow blogger decided to revive her blog. And that began my obsession all over again (for those of you that all keeping count of how many more lame names i have made up-here's one to add to the list: obsession101. Yes, i am completely serious-my old and spelling/grammar error ladden blog is at Go ahead, read it and mock me. Haha)
Speaking of friends---mine say that my emails sound "just like [me]!" I'm not certain what this means. Apparently, my writing style is so "unique" that they can tell it's me who wrote without having to look at the "from" tab. (This is slightly alerting. I mean, if I ever wanted to prank email someone, it is impossible! Since I'm too obvious.) The thing is, I don't even realize that I'm utilizing a "unique" way of writing. My style is out there! Everywhere! Loads of people write like this. Perhaps the catch is that I, in fact, talk like this.
Seriously. If you and I were having a conversation in, say, "cyberland" or something-you would actually hear the above coming out of my mouth.
Anyway---more mundane issues to crack:
Today's been a lazy day. I woke up at 10am with a funny feeling in my neck, which is both annoying and bothersome. I suppose this discomfort is to pay for the 3 extras hours I used for sleeping.
I dragged myself out of bed and washed and brush and everything. As per my usual, I sat in front of my computer (which is here, really) and checked my various online accounts.
And guess what? Nothing new. Yup---well, I can't really blame that for happening since I was up all night trying to buy books for my Philosophy course---and during all the waiting that comes with online shopping, I just checked the said things a lot, and late.
30 minutes later, my Dad yelled from the other side of the house saying that I have to eat breakfast. Since this is actually the 3rd time he said that, i decided to give in and had some Honey Cheerios (sp?). I think they taste better dry than with milk. I generally hate milk, due to the fact that i was given tons of it as an infant and so developed an acute distaste for it. But nevertheless, i got my physical exam a few weeks ago and my doctor said that i needed to up my Vit. D intake. Who knew milk was useful for so many things? I thought it was just a calcium contributor.
Anyway, breakfast wasn't that fulfilling. I have frozen waffles in the freezer---but it's such a hassle to thaw them, toast them, melt the butter and everything, that i just gave up on the idea. The good thing is, lunch is only like 90 minutes away from now (assuming that I eat on time, unlike what normally happens). Other than this whole breakfast debate, nothing worth noting has happened (and according to most people, I'm betting-even this breakfast debate isn't worth mentioning).
It is currently 11:24am and I am still writing this. I have to say, writing really is a form of relaxation for me. Even if i have to copy out facts from a physics textbook, (God knows how many times I've done that just to try and retain some of the knowledge!) I see it almost as a therapeutic activity.
That's a part of why i want to be a writer. Who doesn't want to spend they life, relaxing? Of course, it's MUCH, MUCH, MUCH harder than that. Jokes aside, I love writing (except essays-I'm not good at arguing. And while i realize that this is a gigantic flaw-I am working on it.) and i do it religiously. Meaning that if i believe in nothing else-i will believe in my writing. Because God knows it has gotten me out of some dreadful times.
Oh, and by the way. I tend to say OMG, Oh God, Oh Lord a lot. Even though i don't think i believe in anything. It's just a habit. What should i say instead? Oh My Goodness? Or...
Yes-that is what i shall say from now on. It is only write to say tribute to Harry Potter, possibly 7 of my favorite books. MERLIN knows it helped me sleep. It still does. And not because it's boring! Listening to Jim Dale's voice just calms me (it would calm you too, if you have heard HP3 28 times, as it says in my itunes play count column.)
My arms are a little stiff from typing. I think i shall go and grab some vanilla sundae to smooth my nerves. Haha!
On that note, here's another great quotation (not QUOTE! Honestly, I was reading my syllabus just now and my ENGLISH PROF wrote quote instead of QUOTATIONS! That really stunned me. Ever since 10th grade, the word's proper use has been drilled in my head, thanks to Ms. Mondrow. Now, everytime someone says QUOTE, i feel like giving them a lecture.) from Eleanor Roosevelt:
"All human beings have failings, all human beings have needs and temptations and stresses. Men and women who live together through long years get to know one another's failings; but they also come to know what is worthy of respect and admiration ... "
Isn't it great? I found it on Wiki---which during times of boredom is extremely useful!
With that said---I'll be back with that wretched misuse of the word "quote" in a bit.