Sunday, August 30, 2009

Breaking Bread

"Do one thing every day that scares you." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Well, to other people, starting a blog might not seem like such a big deal, but Oh, God-let me just quickly try to remember how many abandoned blogs I have up to now.

Hmm...Four or five, I think.

Exactly! Creating a blog doesn't require much-just Internet, the ability to type and a funky, if not completely random (and also often lame) name. But it's the "keep blogging" part that intimidates me. It's such a commitment to come back regularly and update. Hell, it's hard to remember to come back and post something. And now that I'm starting university in practically 8 days---the odds of this happening are even worse.

But anyway-I'm going to put my faith to the test. I shall think of this as an experiment.

"How Long I Can Keep This Up"

Or HLICKTU, if you prefer the short form. Although I can't say much about the fact that the word "lick" is spelt in this challenge name's abbreviation.

The reason i started NATURE'S DOING (I'm sorry, I really just couldn't come up with anything. I was going to name is Dash of Brilliance, but i thought that sounded to pompous.) is because my good friend, a fellow blogger decided to revive her blog. And that began my obsession all over again (for those of you that all keeping count of how many more lame names i have made up-here's one to add to the list: obsession101. Yes, i am completely serious-my old and spelling/grammar error ladden blog is at Go ahead, read it and mock me. Haha)

Speaking of friends---mine say that my emails sound "just like [me]!" I'm not certain what this means. Apparently, my writing style is so "unique" that they can tell it's me who wrote without having to look at the "from" tab. (This is slightly alerting. I mean, if I ever wanted to prank email someone, it is impossible! Since I'm too obvious.) The thing is, I don't even realize that I'm utilizing a "unique" way of writing. My style is out there! Everywhere! Loads of people write like this. Perhaps the catch is that I, in fact, talk like this.

Seriously. If you and I were having a conversation in, say, "cyberland" or something-you would actually hear the above coming out of my mouth.

Anyway---more mundane issues to crack:

Today's been a lazy day. I woke up at 10am with a funny feeling in my neck, which is both annoying and bothersome. I suppose this discomfort is to pay for the 3 extras hours I used for sleeping.

I dragged myself out of bed and washed and brush and everything. As per my usual, I sat in front of my computer (which is here, really) and checked my various online accounts.

And guess what? Nothing new. Yup---well, I can't really blame that for happening since I was up all night trying to buy books for my Philosophy course---and during all the waiting that comes with online shopping, I just checked the said things a lot, and late.

30 minutes later, my Dad yelled from the other side of the house saying that I have to eat breakfast. Since this is actually the 3rd time he said that, i decided to give in and had some Honey Cheerios (sp?). I think they taste better dry than with milk. I generally hate milk, due to the fact that i was given tons of it as an infant and so developed an acute distaste for it. But nevertheless, i got my physical exam a few weeks ago and my doctor said that i needed to up my Vit. D intake. Who knew milk was useful for so many things? I thought it was just a calcium contributor.

Anyway, breakfast wasn't that fulfilling. I have frozen waffles in the freezer---but it's such a hassle to thaw them, toast them, melt the butter and everything, that i just gave up on the idea. The good thing is, lunch is only like 90 minutes away from now (assuming that I eat on time, unlike what normally happens). Other than this whole breakfast debate, nothing worth noting has happened (and according to most people, I'm betting-even this breakfast debate isn't worth mentioning).

It is currently 11:24am and I am still writing this. I have to say, writing really is a form of relaxation for me. Even if i have to copy out facts from a physics textbook, (God knows how many times I've done that just to try and retain some of the knowledge!) I see it almost as a therapeutic activity.

That's a part of why i want to be a writer. Who doesn't want to spend they life, relaxing? Of course, it's MUCH, MUCH, MUCH harder than that. Jokes aside, I love writing (except essays-I'm not good at arguing. And while i realize that this is a gigantic flaw-I am working on it.) and i do it religiously. Meaning that if i believe in nothing else-i will believe in my writing. Because God knows it has gotten me out of some dreadful times.

Oh, and by the way. I tend to say OMG, Oh God, Oh Lord a lot. Even though i don't think i believe in anything. It's just a habit. What should i say instead? Oh My Goodness? Or...


Yes-that is what i shall say from now on. It is only write to say tribute to Harry Potter, possibly 7 of my favorite books. MERLIN knows it helped me sleep. It still does. And not because it's boring! Listening to Jim Dale's voice just calms me (it would calm you too, if you have heard HP3 28 times, as it says in my itunes play count column.)

My arms are a little stiff from typing. I think i shall go and grab some vanilla sundae to smooth my nerves. Haha!

On that note, here's another great quotation (not QUOTE! Honestly, I was reading my syllabus just now and my ENGLISH PROF wrote quote instead of QUOTATIONS! That really stunned me. Ever since 10th grade, the word's proper use has been drilled in my head, thanks to Ms. Mondrow. Now, everytime someone says QUOTE, i feel like giving them a lecture.) from Eleanor Roosevelt:

"All human beings have failings, all human beings have needs and temptations and stresses. Men and women who live together through long years get to know one another's failings; but they also come to know what is worthy of respect and admiration ... "

Isn't it great? I found it on Wiki---which during times of boredom is extremely useful!

With that said---I'll be back with that wretched misuse of the word "quote" in a bit.



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