Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Price Is Never Right...

So guess what I'm doing...

On this glorious Wednesday morning, I am currently watching the equally glorious Ryan Phillippe with his ultra sexy voice being interviewed by the also equally beautiful Nicole Kidman Let me just tell you, it does not get better than this.

I bet you didn't think it was possible to use "equally" this many times in one single sentence, did ya?

I remember when i frist happened upon Ryan on TV a few months ago. They were showing Cruel Intentions. It was at the scene with the pool scene where Ryan was in this remote controlled wheelchair and so at first, I thought he was disabled. Maybe it was the strange pool reflections or light or something - but i didn't find him that attractive at first glance. The only reasoned i stayed on that channel was Reese Witherspoon. But an hour and some minutes later, i find that I've sat through the entire movie!

And by Merlin! What a movie!

In the end, I thought Ryan's character (Seb) was the most interesting and that he portrayed it incredibly well. Sarah M. Geller is amazing too (Merlin knows how much i adore Buffy!) but her character was just too evil for my liking, and a bit too one dimensional. Her character didn't really show any development-so the performance felt a little flat. And Reese, I think she played it up a little too much. She was too vulnerable and weak. [SPOILER WARNING] When Seb broke up with her character (Annette), i expected her to fight back, not to just cry and be all girly. I mean, she was suppose to be the mature one, and a feminist!

But I guess I can understand. It IS Ryan Phillippe!

I've always wondered, isn't it strange to act with your spouse? Reese was pregnant with Ryan's child at the time and there they were, in a movie where the guy was suppose to have slept with the the girl just to win a bet! But they're all professionals-they get that it's all just acting. But still! It must have been awkward at times!

Anyway-i went on Youtube to watch the first half of the movie. I have to say-the first time Ryan cracked a smirk at the end of the first scene, where's he went to see his psych. appointment-i was GONE. And i thought. Oh Merlin, this man is beautiful!

So yeah, that is how my love for Ryan came about.

I woke up earlier today-at around 8:30am because the stickers were so uncomfortable! They were really hard and so my skin felt all weird. It still does. But there's only 3 hours left to go. No big deal.

I also woke up because Dad was like "It's 8am! Are you going to waste the day away again?!" in a tone that i didn't apprecieate. But at least he's speaking to me again. After i had breakfast, he came into my room and was like "You realize what you did was wrong, right?"

I was tired of fighting, so i just gave in and was like "OK, i get it." And that was the end of the affair. Thankfully!

As per my usual routine, i checked Portal and found that my PHL-Human Nature prof sent me the course material and everything. And Merlin! I can't even begin to tell you. Here's a bit of it:

● Exam 1, 20%
● Exam 2, 30%
● Paper 1, 10% (paper 7%; review 3%)
● Paper 2, 15% (paper 12%; review 3%)
● Paper 3, 25% (22% paper; 3% review)

● In paper 1 (300 words) you will recount an argument from an assigned reading. In paper 2 (500 words) you will recount an argument from an assigned reading and then critically assess one aspect of that argument. In paper 3 (900 words) you will propose and critically assess a connection between a philosopher’s argument and a scientist’s experiment. For each assignment, after it has been graded, you will meet with the grader to discuss your writing. You then will write a one paragraph “review” that summarizes what you learned from the grader’s comments/discussion.

Are you seeing what i am seeing?!


That's right, NO PRESSURE at all! YUP!

But i suppose that's the way university is. No wonder people say it's above and beyond what is required of you back in high school.

But I have faith---at least it isn't one of those 20 page papers.

Apparently, the first paper is due on Sept 28 (Right after my B-day! I'd better get this fully edited and done before that week-end.) Which isn't so bad. I was going to start the assignment early, but i realized that i have no idea what the paper is on, so i'll have to wait.

Also, my SCI199H1 Seminar course prof ALSO posted an assignment:

The aim of this exercise is for us to start thinking about our musical experience and writing about it. My aim is to learn something about the people in our seminar, what your interests are and how you express yourselves. Later we will get serious about more systematic and serious writing. Describe your experience of a musical event from the past summer, or during the past year. It could be a rock, or jazz, or classical concert. It could be a broadcast. It could be a street busker you spent a while listening to. It could be a public or private performance by yourself, alone or with others. It should be an event that, for some reason, was memorable for you.

Focus primarily, beyond the basic facts, on your perceptions and feelings, as you recall them.

Due: 23 September, in seminar meeting.
Grading criteria: Organization, clarity, grammar and spelling (!).
Weighting: 5% of overall grade.

Uh-huh. Another paper due. But this one sounds like it's right up my alley. I mean, i absolutely LOVE writing about music and the way i enjoy/see it. Most of the time, I want to have proper conversations with people about music, but no one cares. And also, i don't know a lot of people who are into the kind of music i like, even though i like a scattering of everything. So this is perfect!

Right now, i'm thinking i should just write it on that Joshua Bell concert i was at back in June. It was certainly an experience! This, i know i can start right away. I'm going to dig up those notes i took at the concert and begin planning the whole thing.

By the way, why is it that my taste in music is so vastly different than my peers? For example, near grad, i remember my friends were all over this song: Poker Face. At first, i was really surprised, because Poker Face is the name of my fave. Asian female singer Ayumi Hamasaki's debut song. Alas, i was obviously wrong. This one is new, and by someone called Lady GaGa.

From my limited knowledge, when someone says "Gaga", it generally means "crazy", doesn't it? Like if i wanted to say i am crazy over Ryan Phillippe, i could say "I am just Gagas over Ryan!" Am I right?

So if I am right in believing that, then Lady Gaga simply means: Lady Crazy?

I'm sorry, what kind of name is that!? But i won't attack her name. To each her own! (This last bit is an inside joke between my friend Carrie and I. Haha---obviously, it is only funny to the two of us.)

Anyway-so i never actively went online to search for the song or anything. I mean, I haven't even heard Beyonce's new album! And i like Beyonce-relatively speaking.

So out of nowhere, while i was in the car on the way back home from the cardio place-I was treated to Poker Face. (Which in itself was a strange thing. The radio in the car is usually on 96.3 Classical. Maybe Dad got tired of listening to Carmen.)

And wow.

I do not get why people are "GAGA" over this song.


To me, it sounds like any other song! And the "Po-po-po-po-po...POKER FACE" thing gets really annoying after a while. Maybe i'm just not "in style" with the latest hits, but in my opinion, there are plenty of other great songs that are worth loving!

Here's a very short list---I've got my ipod on shuffle and I'm just writing out a few of my favoriates. (Though i've got 500+ songs in my itunes library that has a 5 star rating, so you might not think that's saying a lot. But my database has 40GB+ of music! I'm telling you, i am a certified music freak!)

These are in no order whatsoever!

Romance ------------Yukki Kuramoto ------------ A Bittersweet Life

--->This is a classical piece. Violin with piano accompanyment. Beautiful and heart-wrenching. From the wonderful Korean movie with Lee Byung Hun (LOVE LOVE LOVE him): A Bitterweet Life. For all of you that haven't seen it, go Youtube it now! It's got everything! Superb fight sequence, romance, a mafia-type gang that's threatening to kill the main guy and an AMAZING cast. (Shim Min Ah's in this too! Also love her! Rain fans will recognize her from: A Love to Kill, which is of course, also incredible.)

Fox Rain ----------------------DBSK -------------------Rising Sun Concert Rip

--->A true gem. Five fantastic voices-sometimes melted into one. A soft ballad with a tiny hint of jazzzz-composed by Yoochun. A must listen!

Mission Impossible Theme -------Sungha Jung ----------Guitar Protege

--->People probably already this one. Sungha is a Youtbe celeb! This 11 (or is it 12?) years old boy genius can play like no other! Check out his numerous other clips!

Whatever -------------------Ayumi Hamasaki ----------LOVEppears

--->Let me confess that at first, i HATED this song. So much that I didn't even sit through the first quater of the song. I'm not a fan of techno. And this song (though depends on which version you listen to. It's like about 10 different remixes.) begins with the telling sounds of hurried drumbeats that i generally associate with techno. But wait. A few years ago, i made myself listen through all her albums (which isn't a small feat. I have 400+ songs of hers in my library), every single song, from start to end. And surprise! Once the singing began, it got me all hyped up and i ended up loving this song. And that's not all, the ylrics are amazing too! Ayumi is known for writing all of her lyrics: (and composing from time to time as well! Under the name: CREA)

How much thought is necessary
And how should I write
To send my feelings to you?
Perhaps no one knows
But please tell that person
"Here is the power of believing firmly"

It has been a long while,
I was freezing so much and closed my eyes
No one noticed us, but the season
I was looking forward to is passing

Now I do here what I should do
And will smile if I become calm
Please tell that person
"Far or near, I'm always next to you"

It has been a long while, I can be bathed in the warm sunlight in a short time
I was actually enduring so much, so as not to yield to myself
It has been a long while, I can be bathed in the warm sunlight in a short time
If I say I wasn't lonely during the time we spent apart, it is a lie

It has been a long while, I can be bathed in the warm sunlight very soon
I was actually enduring so much, so as not to yield to myself
It has been a long while I can be bathed in the warm sunlight very soon
As I think it was not only I who wished to be together

(btw---these lyrics are translate from Japanese... So some of the original meaning prob wasn;t transfered... also here's where i got the translation-very helpful site if you want to read more about Ayumi:

Billie Jean ----------------Michael Jackson ------------Number Ones

--->Ah, no playlist is ever complete with this song, according to me anyway. I don't think i need to elaborate how amazing this song is. But to fully apprecieate Jckson in all his glory, i suggest you watch a live performance of this song. I myself is a fan of the 30th Anniversary Concert edition, because it just shows taht he's still got it. WHOO!

Grown-Up's Christmas List ------Michael Buble ---------Let It Snow

--->I lost interest in Buble after his hit: Home. The guy's got a great voice but most of his songs song kind of the same. But this song is a must have during the winter holidays. It's so soothing! And it's got an important message. A beautiful beautiful song.

Masterpiece Theater Pt. 1 --------Mariana Trench --------Masterpiece Theater

--->My friend Robin introduced it to me a while ago. She's a fellow music freak, like me. I found this song on while browsing her ipod. It's kind of like an acapella mixed in with rock and ballad-inspired pop. The bridge section (and also the beginning) are my fave. parts.

Whoa! I've got 7 songs down already. I think I'll stop for today. This post has already gone beyond my usual post length and i still have to write my FAVE ITEM. But I'll have more songs next time!

OK- so today's FAVE ITEM is:

-writing journals

Nice, maybe hand crafted, but definitely quality writing journals. I bring a plain lined notebook to school in case i want to jot things down while I'm getting a hot dog or something. This happens quite frequently, Merlin knows what hunger can do to your brain. And also, hunger feels uncannily like yearn for a long lost love.

Haha, just kidding-this is only true to some extent.

Though it is true that i can not live without my writing journal. There's just something about writing in a nice journal that... i don't know... juices my creativity. Having to write in it makes me go "I can't waste a single line in this book-i paid 30$ for it!" Therefore, I always do a few drafts on regular paper and then transfer something that's been edited onto the journal.

Well, at least that's what i try to do. But honestly, since I'm a student (meaning tons of homework and things to study for) and i commute (so that's 2 hours out of my time, at least!) so i don't really have all that much free time. So nowadays, i just write it without much thought. But this summer's been good... so I've got a few pages of not so bad writing squeezed in.

Clearly, this post has go on long enough-so I'll say Adios for now. Now I'll be back with actual pictures of my journals, just to prove how serious about this whole writing thing.

And besides, it's lunch time!



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